Housing Action Plan


Othello is one of the fastest growing communities in the area, but there is a shortage of available and affordable housing. Rental vacancy rates are very low, sale prices have risen dramatically over the past two decades, and existing units are overcrowded.

The community requires innovative strategies and strong public will to create enough housing options to meet the community need. Previous policy tools to encourage building and maintaining housing were no longer enough, and without an active response, the housing affordability crisis will increasingly burden our residents.

The Washington Department of Commerce awarded the City of Othello a grant to hire a consultant to prepare a Housing Action Plan. The plan identifies strategies, actions, and policy tools to generate additional housing, and focuses on four important questions:

  • How much additional housing will be necessary to meet the diverse needs of Othello’s current and future residents?
  • How effective are the City’s current policies at ensuring adequate housing options?
  • How can the City, residents, and businesses work together to improve Othello’s housing options?
  • What are Othello residents’ preferred strategies for increasing affordable housing?

 This Plan will help us work on our housing supply and affordability issues.


For More Information

Contact: Anne Henning, Community Development Director, ahenning@othellowa.gov, 509-331-2710, 500 E. Main Street, Othello, WA  99344