Public Works FAQ

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 Any time a property owner wants work done in the right of way – a permit is required.  Work can include – driveway/sidewalk installation or repairs, landscaping, tree removal, fence installation, and deliveries that require large equipment.  The use of a license, bonded and insured contractor is required to get a ROW permit.  Contact the Public Works Department if you have any questions.  To obtain a ROW permit CLICK HERE

You may go to the forms section of the city website to print the ROW permit application or you may go to the Public Works Department.  Please review all of the requirements listed on the permit that will be needed in order to obtain a ROW permit.  The application needs to be turned into Public Works and it can take 24-48 hours for the approval process.  The cost of a permit is $40.00.  To obtain a ROW permit CLICK HERE

No you do not need a permit to install a sprinkler system – UNLESS it is located in the ROW – see question #1.  However, you are required to install a backflow prevention device, which requires an inspection and some forms to be filled out through the Public Works Department.  It will also need a yearly test done by a certified back-flow prevention device inspector.  You are required to do a “Call Before You Dig” – which is 811, for the area utility companies to do any utility locates.  Please contact Public Works for further information on sprinkler system requirements.  Only Public Works staff is allowed to turn off the water in the meter box for connection to your water lines. To obtain a copy of the Backflow Device Permit Information & Application Guide CLICK HERE

Yes, if you live in the city limits you need a fence permit.  There is no cost for this permit.  You may go to the Forms section on the city website or you may stop by Public Works or City Hall for the permit application.  Public Works has to approve the permit.  There are several requirements and restriction on installation of a fence, so read the permit carefully.  To obtain a copy of a Fence Permit CLICK HERE

The phone number for the county dump is 509-488-6171.  The dump is located at 504 S. Lucy Rd, Othello, WA.

The city does not have the responsibility to maintain overhead lines.  The citizen should call directly to the phone company, power company or cable company to advise of the low hanging line.  Phone numbers for local companies are:           

Avista – 800-227-9187

Big Bend Electric – 509-659-1700

Century Link – 509-995-3316

Northland Cable – 765-6151

In the event of a major snowstorm, the police department will contact Public Works when 2” of snow has fallen on the streets.  They will also contact Public Works if there are areas that are particularly dangerous and may need salting in the event of icy roads.  Otherwise, our crew will be checking and salting the streets on a regular basis.

When the crew is called out during a snowstorm, they will plow all the streets to the curbs, starting with all arterials, and then school bus routes.  After clearing the major streets, they will then attempt to clear as much of the residential streets as possible.  Sometimes the snow falls faster than they can clear, and this may mean the crew will have to go back to the arterial streets to get them clear, before they’ve finished with the residential streets.  Arterial streets have priority over residential streets as they must be kept clear in order for emergency vehicles and other traffic to get through safely.

We ask the citizens of Othello to help us make snow plowing as safe and efficient as possible by keeping your vehicles parked off the streets and in your driveway if possible.  The same holds true for garbage cans, basketball hoops, trailers and other debris.  Please do not blow or push snow or yard debris onto the streets as it blocks the street drains.  Keeping your yard waste picked up and out of the streets will be helpful in allowing the gutters to drain properly when the snow is melting, or during rain storms.  We appreciate your help with minimizing flooding issues.  Thank you from Public Works and have a great and safe winter.

The City of Othello uses MRSC Rosters to manage our small works roster.  You may go to their website to be added to our roster at no cost.  Their web site is 

The city gathers all of one year’s water testing results and generates the CCR (Consumer Confidence Report) in the spring following the data collection year.  The CCR must then be sent to the residents and businesses that the City provides water to on or before July 1st.  (For Example – the information collected from 2016 will be put into a report that is due to be mailed to the citizens of Othello before July 1st of 2017.)  The CCR generally goes out in the May or June water bills.  For the most current CCR you can go to the forms section on the city’s website and print it from that location.  You may also contact Public Works to get a copy.